hrni nk promote shwl, inner && pin kayu yg comel momel~hehe :D
kak shazzy's the owner~
the precious pumpkins ♥
enjoy the picture ~

shawl yg kak shazzy ni fthn belum miliki~
shwl custom made ni, mmg terhad stiap corak satu je, LIMIT!
satu hr nnt akan ku miliki ~ ouyeah~
;D uwaaa ~ sila lah kunjungi~
semua cntik cntik & comel~
yg are SP & yg dekat dekat rumah fthn boleh la order melalui fthn~
heee :D order bnyak dpt murah :)
cepat limited !!
selamat ber shopping~
byebye ,
akak taktau plak fathin ade blog. hehe anyway thanks syg tolong promotekan eh. nanti kalau ade rezeki kite jumpe akak blanje, or tgok la nnt ade special gift =D
hehe~ fthn suka promote ^^ tmbh2 kalau bnda comel2 ni :)
heee, shre dngn smuaa,
:D hehe, thnks kak ^^
tak mghrap ape2 pun
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